919507470236, 06226 358 314 karn.sharma100@gmail.com

Macromedia (Adobe) Dreamweaver

Eligibility :10

Macromedia (Adobe) Dreamweaver


The aim of this unit is to provide candidates with the skills to use Adobe’s Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 in a competent manner.

Outcome 1 Set project requirements

Outcome 2 Plan site design and page layout

Outcome 3 Understand the Macromedia Dreamweaver interface

Outcome 4 Add content

Outcome 5 Organise and modify content

Outcome 6 Evaluate and maintain a site

Unit Record Sheet

Use this form to track your progress through this unit. Tick the boxes when you have covered each outcome. When they are all ticked, you are ready to be assessed.

Course Query